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A modern, easy to navigate, simple to use site to share your very own created xLights Sequences.
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Need someone to make a show for me.

I feel like I'm in over my head. I have a 180 degree 800 light Mega tree, and a 90 light star on top with a ready to run Falcon F16V4 controller, also with expansion board (starting out small, then building next year). I have watched so much Xlights YouTube videos, my eyes are about to pop out, but I'm just not picking it up. Heck, I can't even figure out how to import sequences. Is it possible for someone to create a show for me, like go ahead and put that bad boy on a memory card and shit it to me, all I'd have to do is plug and play? If anyone is interested, we can talk price, and more about my setup.


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Bro, the best bet is to jump into zoom, hang out for a while, and raise your hand, someone will help you figure out how to import, and its free, YOU GOT THIS MY BROTHER,
I feel like I'm in over my head. I have a 180 degree 800 light Mega tree, and a 90 light star on top with a ready to run Falcon F16V4 controller, also with expansion board (starting out small, then building next year). I have watched so much Xlights YouTube videos, my eyes are about to pop out, but I'm just not picking it up. Heck, I can't even figure out how to import sequences. Is it possible for someone to create a show for me, like go ahead and put that bad boy on a memory card and shit it to me, all I'd have to do is plug and play? If anyone is interested, we can talk price, and more about my setup.
dont beat yourself up just remember this is a hobby
if you feel youve watched lots of videos and still dont understand what you want to understand id put it down to the person within that video, and that's nothing against that person presenting the video, but we all learn in different ways and sometimes we gel and understand some people better than others you just need to find that right presenter

myself id make a copy of your xlights show folder (this is the one that asked for when you installed xlights)
and go break stuff !!! (i always find this the best way to learn and when it goes horribly wrong, just move to the copy of your show folder)
download another person sequence and open this with the temporary show folder button and have a play around and see how they have done things or what does what (just break stuff :) when done return to your main show folder WITHOUT saving anything
one to really learn from would be ShowStopper (ive bought into there ideas and layout, BEST THING I EVER DID) and to be fair im not interested in making my own sequences now but more interested in what they bring out next LOL ... couple of clicks to import an amazing sequence is the way ive gone ... should be xlights law that all use showstopper layout idea !!!
Loopz, Fugley.. Thank you for the words of encouragement, you guys are absolutely awesome. I have spent all day watching more YouTube, researching, and working. I can now say I have successfully imported a sequence and it is ready to go. Once I found how to do this, it seems so easy to do. I will import a few to get my show started, then I will start working on creating my own show. Once again thank you guys for making me take the hard way out instead of the easy way!
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