Welcome to xLights Sequences

A modern, easy to navigate, simple to use site to share your very own created xLights Sequences.
Not only that, we offer a marketplace where you can sell your own sequences or showcase them as a vendor!

Planning 2024 show.

Hello everyone. Last few years I've used standard light o rama controllers with cookie cutter sequences. I want to get into pixels and all led lighting for a better looking shows. I want to add a spiral tree, few arches, outline the house, windows, few props like snowflakes and candy canes and 8 to 10 mini trees. I'm just needing to know what to purchase like type of controllers and where to buy or make everything. I'm pretty good at DIY projects. Any help would be great.


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Inaugural Member
Sequence Seller
Hey! well there are many opinions and places to research, but I think the XLIGHTS forum on the XLIGHTS page would be a better place to start. this is mostly sequence related. Go to Xlights.com and there is a link at the top for the forum. there you will find everything that will get you going in the right direction.
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