Welcome to xLights Sequences

A modern, easy to navigate, simple to use site to share your very own created xLights Sequences.
Not only that, we offer a marketplace where you can sell your own sequences or showcase them as a vendor!

Search results

  1. Dave

    Solar installed!

    Decided to take the plunge back in September and have Solar panels and batteries installed. Was finally finished a few days ago and i'm very impressed! Been told i've got room for possibly another 3 panels on the front in landscape mode, so will probably take the plunge and get them added!
  2. Dave

    xLights Sequences downtime either Thursday or Friday

    Afternoon all! Just to let you know the forum will be offline for aprox 1 hour on either Thursday or Friday this week. This is so I can move everything across to a new server, allowing extra storage, faster speeds and a few other tweaks. Just thought i'd give you the heads up :D Dave
  3. Dave

    Issues with downloads

    Good afternoon, It appears some members are having issues when downloading files. It seems to be affecting some members, but not others. Sadly i'm one of the members it does not affect so have been unable to replicate this. I have made a few adjustments on the server, so hopefully this will...
  4. Dave

    Todays Downtime

    Apologies for the downtime earlier today. The server was being upgraded and threw up a few errors. However these have now been resolved and we're now back running better!
  5. Dave

    Prop models area added

    Many thanks to Dave (not this Dave!) for the suggestion in adding a section for prop models to be shared. There's a flurry of great new props being created, however the models have not been added to xLights to download. This new section will allow you to share these with other members for a...
  6. Dave

    Music Sequence Space Man - Sam Ryder

    Dave submitted a new resource: Space Man - Sam Ryder Read more about this resource...
  7. Dave

    Sam Ryder - Spaceman - Eurovision 2022

    The UK's entry into Eurovision 2022 saw the UK get 2nd place, the best since 1998! Europe seemed to love it, giving us many 12 points! Currently at writing this post, number 2 in the UK charts! @PixelSequencePros has offered a group buy where you can pre-order this sequence for only $20! Get...
  8. Dave

    How to Download a sequence you have purchased.

    Once you have purchased a sequence, you can download it via two ways. Click on the arrow next to sequences and then select 'Your licences' OR Click on your username and click on 'My Licences' The download link will then be displayed.
  9. Dave

    Another great reason to share/showcase your seqeunce here.....

    Some might be thining 'Well I already have a website, so why should I add my sequence here?' - and it's a very valid reason. We love the idea of a 'one stop shop', where people can browse for a select song, not only that, people are also more likely to stumble across a sequence they love, but...
  10. Dave

    List of xLights Sequence Vendors

    A list of current xLights Sequence Resources BlinkySequences - Home ⋆ Blinky Sequences BostikFamilyLightshow - BF Light Shows Animated Illumination - No link found Custom Light Creations - Custom Light Creations East Ridge Lights - Bei Facebook anmelden Fairy Pixel Dust - xLights Sequences |...
  11. Dave

    Dark theme added to xLights Sequences

    We know everyone loves choice and some may prefer to browse the site using a darker theme, so that's what we've added! To change from the light theme to the dark theme, simpy click on the lightbulb in the top right corner.
  12. Dave

    Did you know that we have an app?

    Did you know that we have an app? Don't worry, you don't need to go to your app store to find it, as it's not one of those kinds of apps! We use 'Progressive Web App' technology - Extremely light weight and we don't require any permissions at all. You will be able to browse the site offline and...
  13. Dave

    xLights Sequence Requests

    As we now cover Sharing, Paid & Vendor Sequences a great suggestion was made to have a request list. That way members can browse through and see what some popular choices are and look at sequencing them. So simpy add your requests below, ideally with a Youtube/Vimeo link (just post the url in...
  14. Dave

    Share, Buy & Sell Sequences!

    We've made some huge exciting changes to the site meaning that not only can you share sequences, you can also buy and sell sequences as well! I know we all love a free sequence, and we really do appreciate all the time and hard work people put into them to share with the wider community...
  15. Dave

    A Huge Thank You!

    A huge thank you to everyone that has shared seqeunces so far. The quality is truly amazing! Although you can download for free, please remember that sites like this only truly work with sharing.
  16. Dave

    We Don't Talk About Bruno - RGB Seqeunces Offer

    Currently on offer for $9.99 https://rgb-sequences.com
  17. Dave

    Email confirmations - Resolved

    I must apologise to anyone that signed up and never received an email confirmation. This has now been resolved and those that were waiting will have now received theirs. Dave
  18. Dave

    Mercy Me - Christmastime Again - RGB Sequences Offer

    Just been released and on offer for a limited time at $19.99. Great sequence, my first purchase for 2022! https://rgb-sequences.com
  19. Dave

    Changes to xLights Seqeunces - Free Downloads

    After much discussion with other members, downloads are now free to all members, whether you have added a seqeunce yourself or not. If there is enough demand, a more limited area will be added where you can add sequences which can only be downloaded if you have shared yourself.
  20. Dave

    xLights Sequences going forward - Your views?

    A community is nothing without the members, so feedback is alwasy appreciated. Are you happy with the current share a sequence to get access to downloads, or would you prefer it to be open to all and like the current xLights Google Drive?
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